Business Continuity Plan (BCP) under CBS environment:
1 Architecture under CBS:
1.1 The Bank has one Centralized Data Centre (CDC) located in Pune & one Disaster Recovery Cell (DRC) at Hyderabad. Every 15 minutes, the data base at CDC is being replicated at DRC through log shipping. With this, it is ensured that the application and data available in the computers at CDC and DRC are in synchronization with a maximum delay of 15 minutes.
1.2 Communication / link failure could be of the following types:
Due to cut in the cable,Due to power (including back up like UPS, DG Set) failure, and Any other reason.
1.2.1 Reasons of link failure:
Due to cut in the cable,Due to power (including back up like UPS) failure,
Due to hardware related problems,
Any other reason (such as problems at exchange)
1.3 Type of outage / link / communication failure:
The outage as described could be classified under two broad categories(a) Short duration and
(b) long duration.
Outage exceeding 4 hours shall mean long duration and rest of the outage shall be treated as short duration.
Services to be provided to Customers during outage /
link / communication failure:
(1) Short duration:
For short duration of link failure, bank shall not offer any type of “Off Line” services. An “Off Line” service is defined as the service that will not get posted on real time basis in the Bank’s database. However, the branches at their discretion and on merits of the case may offer banking services to its customers .based on earlier day balance available on the Gateway PC.
(2) Long duration:
(a) Branch specific link failure:
In case Bank has another branch (say B) with CBS, in the same city, the affected branch (say A) shall direct its customers to branch (B). The branch staff of branch (A) shall also be advised to work from branch (B), by login with their user ID, password and branch code just like they login from their own branch. In other words, the URL, Branch Code, Tellers of branch (A) shall work from a different premises. They shall complete all incomplete work from the alternate premises.
All transactions (excluding cash) shall be posted by the staff of branch (A) for its customers, using the premises of branch (B). All authorizations, supervisory override etc, shall be performed by supervisory staff of branch (A).
Cash transactions of the branch (A) shall neither be posted nor authorized in the system by the tellers of branch (A).
All CASH transactions (payment as well as receipt) of the branch (A) will be posted and authorized only by the users of branch (B). This is because, all cash transactions will update the cash drawer of branch (B) only.
The conduct of business as mentioned above shall be subject to approval and changes from time to time by the Working Committee set up by the Bank.
(b) City specific link failure:
In the event of link failure in the entire city, Bank shall not offer any type of “Off Line” services. However, the concerned Branch Managers may take their own decisions, based on business risk assessment.
This Policy shall work in tandem with the already approved Business Continuity Policy of the Bank. The maintenance of back up for application and data and its restoration, in case of need, will be as per the Back up Policy of the Bank.
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1.Right click on the window. Go to server properties.
2.Create a New Form (PASSBOOK) of Dimension.
Width : 7.80 inches.
Height : 5.30 inches.
And then save the form. Make Sure That The Exact Dimension Are Set Before Priting,since This Is The Exact Dimension Of Passbook.
4. Ensure that IBM Proprinter II Driver is installed on the System.
5. Right click on the PASSBOOK printer . Go to Properties.
6.Click General TAB.Click Printing Preferences.
7.Click Layout. Click Advanced.. Select Paper Size PASSBOOK(i.e The new form that have been previously created using server properties).
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