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Olivetti PR2 Passbook Printer Configuaration And Form Size

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Passbook Printer Configuration & Form size setup

Olivetti PR2 Passbook Printer Configuration
1. Configuration

2. Form Settings
  • Click on Start ==>> Settings ==>> Printers and Faxes
  • Right click on blank space (On the right side)==>> Server Properties 
  • The dialog box – “Printer Server Properties” will pop up 
  • Select “PassbookForm” from the list of forms available on that machine. If it is not available, then click on the check box “Create a New form” and enter “PassBookForm” within the text box for Form Description.
  • Select Form Description (Measurement) ==>>Units in English
  • Give width of the form = 8.00in (= 20.32cm if units is chosen as Metric)
  • Give height of the form = 6.10in (= 15.49cm if units is chosen as Metric)
  • Click on “Save Form” and click on “Close” 

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